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 Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.

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Kumao To
Onizuka Eikichi
NELL-sama je t'aime
getsuga tenshô
Teru Kuroda
Tyrion l'herméneute
nnoitra 90
Corned Beef
L'Un Seul
Kurosaki No Cero
Ukitake Sama
Diozz Alexander RayLight
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4ème officier
4ème officier

Masculin Nombre de messages : 994

Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Juin 2011 - 22:21

Citation :
Le fait que Sun-sun ne prenne pas en compte Starrk ne signifie pas qu'il est mort. Comme vous le savez, starrk est un gros flemmard et se moque un peu du pouvoir. Et de toute façon il n'est pas confirmé mort dans la nouvelle.

Il est écrit que Harribel et ses 3 Fraccions connaissent leur situation? (FK téléporté, etc)
Parce que si Sun-Sun se reveille apres tout ça, il se peut aussi qu'elle ne soit pas au courant que Starrk ait possiblement survécu.

Pour ma part, ce Data Book me laisse un peu perplexe.
Outre le fait que le FB de Ulquiorra ne nous apprend pas grand chose (enfin sa naissance est interressante et la phrase "Les choses que mes yeux perçoivent n'ont pas de sens. Les choses que mes yeux ne peuvent percevoir n'existent pas." est juste tres bien trouvée et correspond assez bien au style d'Ulqui.), j'aurais préféré aller un peu plus loin dans son histoire, jusqu'au moment où il rencontre Aizen et le Hog.

Pour les trous, je suis un peu de l'avis de tout le monde, pour ce qui est de celui de Harribel je crois aussi (encore) que c'est juste une invention trouvée pour "caser" son emplacement.
Je ne dis pas que cet endroit est nul, mais pourquoi le faire en interne alors que l'emplacement de celui d'Ulquiorra (à la place du coeur) est en externe? Faire le trou de Hollow d'Harribel au bas-ventre (entre le nombril et celui de Szayel) n'aurait pas géné, si?
Edit Br@ndon: Le coeur est aussi un organe interne est pourtant Ulqui... Mais bon, je trouve aussi que le possible lien avec sa vie d'humaine est pas mal trouvé.
D'ailleurs, si on regarde les emplacements de tous les espadas, on remarque une similitude avec les 8 portes dans Naruto ^^ (on commence à la tête avec Nnoitra, puis on déscend vers les organes génitaux (Szayel) et apres on remonte vers le "coeur" (enfin plus à droite) (Zommari)).

Je reviens quand même sur la survie des Fraccions d'Harribel. Je dois dire que je suis un peu déçu qu'elles vivent toutes... Pour moi le pouvoir de la Tercera venait du fait qu'elle perdait ses sbires/amies (Lorsque Yama les carbonisent, le trou dans son épée se comble et son pouvoir est déccuplé), d'où son "style" de mort par sacrifice.
Mais maintenant qu'on sait que Sun Sun, Mila Rose et Apacci ont survécu, ça n'a plus vraiment de sens :/

Et je suis comme Lusama, impatient de voir l'interview de Kubo... Impatient de voir les bétises/excuses/mauvaises fois? Peut-être mais je me doute aussi qu'il y aura du bon dans ses paroles (c'est pas le diable non plus ^^)
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1697

Age : 39
Localisation : Dans les ténèbres
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2007

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Juin 2011 - 22:28

Autre informations complémentaire concernant cette nouvelle.

Elle a été écrite par un romancier, c'est kubo qui lui à donner le fil conducteur, les informations, il a fait des dessins pour l'illustré et il a supervisé l'écriture. Bref ce n'est pas canonique.

Ce n'est pas la première fois que Kubo procède ainsi, en effet il existe 3 autres nouvelles sur bleach où kubo à procédé de la même façon.

BLEACH-letters from the other side: The Death and The Strawberry:

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Novel1

Cette nouvelle romançait le premier chapitre de bleach.

BLEACH: The Honey Dish Rhapsody:

Cette nouvelle romançait le quotidien de la team ichigo et du gotei13 juste avant qu'ichigo ne retourne dans le monde réel après qu'aizen soit parti avec l'Hogyoku.

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 408703173X.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V35803988_


La troisième nouvelle est très dur à ce procurer et je ne me souviens plus de son nom. Tout ce que je sais, c'est qu'elle était donné dans les coffrets ultra collector du dvd du troisieme film. La nouvelle est centré sur Urahara et explique comment il procède pour retourner à la Soul Society, pourquoi il ne voulait pas employer ce procédé et pourquoi il se bat avec sa tenu de capitaine.

Vous pouvez trouver ces livres sur

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Teru Kuroda
Teru Kuroda

Masculin Nombre de messages : 84

Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 18/04/2008

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Juin 2011 - 22:58

Et dans ce databook, confirmation ou non de la mort d'Ichimaru Gin. ???
D'ailleurs tj rien sur Nell ou les corps dans le labo ???
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1697

Age : 39
Localisation : Dans les ténèbres
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2007

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Juin 2011 - 19:30

Le databook ne confirme pas la mort de gin, mais vu qu'aizen n'a finalement jamais réussi à tuer qui que ce soit hormis la chambre des 46, j'imagine qu'il est possible que gin est survécu. Mais rien ne permet de l'affirmé!
Rien sur nel ni sur les corps dans le labo.

Nouvelle information concernant la nouvelle, quand urahara a expliqué la situation à la ichigo team il a indiqué que c'était le père d'ichigo qui avait appris au rouquin le Getsuga tenshou Ultime et que du coup il était un Shinigami.

Le databook clarifie également une chose sur l'hogyoku, celui-ci a été mis dans rukia par l'intermédiaire du gigai d'urahara qu'il lui a prêté quand elle a donné ses pouvoirs de shinigami à ichigo. Voila une chose confirmé une fois pour toute!

Le romancier qui a fait la nouvelle avec l'aide de kubo est Matsubara Makoto, c'est un grand ami à Tite Kubo. Il est possible que ce nom vous dise quelque chose car c'est lui qui a fait également les 3 autres nouvelles de bleach! (voir mon poste juste au dessus.)

Confirmation de l’emplacement des trous des hollows en image:

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Auxjkw

Citation :
starrk: (胸部) la poitrine
baraggan: (胸 中央) centre de la poitrine
Harribel: (下 腹部 - 子宫) le bas du ventre, en interne, au niveau de l'utérus
ulqiuorra: (胸部) la poitrine
nnoitra: l'orbite oculaire gauche (眼窝)
Grimmjow: (腹部) abdomen
zommari: (右乳 首) pectoraux droit, au niveau du téton
apporo Szayel: (亀 头) a la place du pénis
aaroniero: (左 大 腿部) la cuisse gauche
Yammy: (胸部) la poitrine

Selon le databook, cette attaque se nomme Silber Draht

Voici les numéros des arrancars:

Citation :
Llargo Yammy 10 et 0
Starrk Coyote 1
Louisenbairn Baraggan 2
Harribel Tier 3
Cifer Ulquiorra 4
Gilga Nnoitra 5
Jaegerjaquez Grimmjow 6 - ancien 12
Rureaux Zommari 7
Szayel Szayel Granz 8
Arruruerie Aaroniero 9
Antenor Luppi - anciens 6
Tu Nelliel Odelschwanck - anciens 3
Gingerbuck Lilynette 1
Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio 103
Cirucci Sanderwicci 105
Gantenbainne Mosqueda 107
Shawlong Koufang 11
Edrad Liones 13
Grindina Nakeem 14
Granz Yylforte 15
Rinker Roy Di 16
Wernarr Aisslinger 17
Demoura Zodd 18
Cuulhourne Charlotte 20
Redder Abirama 22
Findorr Calius 24
Choe Neng Poww 25
Vega GGIO 26
Nirgge Parduoc 27
Loly Aivirrne 33
Mallia Menoly 34
Kukkapuuro 35
Guatiche Pesche 41
Birstanne Dondochakka 42
Lindocruz Tesra 50
Emilou Apacci 54
Franceska Mila-Rose 55
Cyan Sung-Sun 56
Chelute Rudbornn 61
Margela Wonderweiss 77

Edit: Bon finalement il semblerait que Gin soit bel et bien mort, en faite c'est un dialogue entre kira et Matsumoto qui semble le sous entendre fortement....

Citation :
credit to 里拉库玛 (she rocks!!XD)

the free talk was really interesting, but it's wordy, I'm sorry but I don't have the time to translate everything

some of the interesting part is where rangiku questioned kira about his loyalty towards his captain(Gin), why is he still believe in him, what's good about him
kira said Gin is a very kind person, even though he doesn't look like he's really kind, but he is very kind (aww..kira express his love toward his captain )

rangiku then ask if Gin is kind towards Kira, kira replied: of course! do you know there is a persimmon tree at the 3rd division barrack? Every year when it started to rape, captain will make alot of dried persimmon, even if I'm full, he always urge me to eat it.
much like nanao, kira does most of the division works, but Gin never praised him
Kira says he won't change his feeling towards Gin, although a slight dissapointment, it will be good if he(kira) is able to adhere to trust Gin till the end.

after Kira's talk, it's Rangiku's turn to talk about Gin..
kira wants to know about rangiku's story as they(Gin and rangiku) know each other since childhood.
Rangiku said Gin rescued her when she collapse due to starvation
Rangiku did not understand what's Gin is thinking, she wish Gin doesn't act cool, but to tell her whats on his mind
later Kira started to cry: wuwu... Ichimaru Taicho, why....
Rangiku: He always saved my life, even the recent incidents, in the end he sacrificed himself and saved the world- what an idiot
kira cries: I missed captain

rangiku was angry as Gin left without leaving any staffs.
the two of them started to drink even more.

and then they continued:
Rangiku: Izuru, do you know? we survived because of Gin. Me and You, if you live, Gin will live together.If we want to be with Gin for even longer, then I guess we will have to live a little longer.
Kira: but, Captain is gone...
Rangiku: that's what I said- together. this could be the one that he left for us.
Kira: oh..
then they started to drink again..
talking bad about Gin again~
Rangiku tells Kira not to upset, she said the only way they can do for Gin is to live a happy life
Rangiku: that bastard never leave any good thing, the things that I wanted to do for Gin...
Kira then falls asleep
Rangiku asking for bill

the end


wheww! I think I've just translated most of the part =-=

according to the translator,
even though there's no mention of Gin is dead
but the talk uses the words such as : left, gone, disappeared.
with those strong words, I'm afraid we might not be able to see Gin for the rest of the Bleach
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 113

Age : 26
Localisation : Devant mon ordie
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Juin 2011 - 20:24

La mort de stark pas surt .Il reste de l'éspoire :pitie:!
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4ème officier
4ème officier

Masculin Nombre de messages : 994

Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Juin 2011 - 23:14

@kakarouto: Est-ce qu'on sait si le Databook dit que Ulquiorra est une Arrancar naturel?

Certains disent que oui a cause de l'arbre qui lui arrache son masque intégral, mais j'ai remarqué une possible incohérence physique si c'est le cas.

Tout simplement: Lorsque Ulquiorra entre dans les branches de l'arbres, celles-ci cassent (au moins) le coté gauche de son masque, alors que, comme tout le monde le sait et on le voit dans la suite du chapitre, le masque du Ulquiorra que l'on connait se trouve principalement sur la partie gauche de son visage.

Donc deux possibilités:
-Soit Ulqui est un Arrancar naturel et dans ce cas là Kubo aurait du inverser l'image (même moi je lui en tient pas rigueur, c'est dire...)
-Soit Aizen l'a Hogé apres leur rencontre et de ce fait, ça a modifié son image et a placé son masque à gauche.

Si le Databook précise qu'il est naturel, on est fixés =]

Ah et autre détail qui me fait encore moins aimé plus détesté la seconde résureccion du n°4: La release des Arrancar a pour but de les faire se rapproché de leur nature Hollow. On le voit tres bien avec Grimmjow qui, une fois libéré, ressemble beaucoup à sa forme féline d'Adjuchas (en bien plus moche selon moi ^^).
Or, dans le chapitre bonus, on voit que la forme Hollow d'Ulquiorra est presque entièrement blanche (sauf les cheveux et les ailes).
Mais, sa seconde release est majoritairement noire...

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1697

Age : 39
Localisation : Dans les ténèbres
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2007

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Juin 2011 - 2:30

Bonne nouvelle! Voici la nouvelle complète sur harribel traduite en anglais:

Citation :
Nestle to Night
By Matsubara Makoto and Kubo Tite

Yammy – Yammy – It is nighttime in our world again…

After Aizen had left and all the Gargantas had closed, Hueco Mundo regained a sense of peace. Brushing by the ruins of Las Noches, the breeze seemed to carry with it sounds of lamentation. Yet apart from the sound of sand caught in the wind, there was only silence.

A single animal lay on this silent desert. It had the shape of a small dog, with the mask of a hollow and soft white fur. Its name was Kukkapuuro.

Kukkapuuro had lost almost all of its memories. It only knew that it was a hollow, and that this was Hueco Mundo. Calling itself “Kukkapuuro,” rubbing its forehead with its paw, and scratching the itch behind its ear were the only important memories that it had, sketched deep into its consciousness.

In a world full of reishi like Hueco Mundo, a small hollow like itself only needed to breathe to survive, and eventually become the prey of other hollows. Kukkapuuro was at the very bottom of the food chain, yet it was able to survive entirely because it stayed by the side of someone very strong.

Kukkapuuro looked to him and thought, “I think this person must be very important.”

As his steps were very large, he was always a great distance ahead, always forcing Kukkapuuro to chase after his enormous shadow. He always looked at Kukkapuuro with an impatient mutter, refusing to even give it a name. He never held, petted, or shared food with it.

Even so, he never killed Kukkapuuro.

Until the very end, he also never left Kukkapuuro.


“It’s pretty quiet here…” was the first thing Mila-Rose said upon exiting the Garganta.
Following her, Apacci, Sung-Sun, and finally Tier Harribel also landed on the desert. Behind them, the Garganta silently closed, and the rip in space suddenly vanished.

“What a complete mess…” said Apacci, looking at the destruction caused to Las Noches by heated battles.

“It seems like everyone used pretty barbaric methods to fight…” said Sung-Sun, hiding her mouth behind her sleeve and looking up at the sky. The ceiling had broken in many places, creating a mosaic out of the artificial blue sky of Las Noches and the dark sky of Hueco Mundo beyond.

Harribel stared silently for a moment at the battlefield. The three of them, despite squabbling all the time, also followed her example and stood there in silence.

Standing behind Harribel’s right hand side, Apacci looked down at her own completely unharmed body, and clenched her fist.


She muttered in her heart.

Only a few hours before, every single one of them had been close to death. Harribel’s body had suffered two wounds from Aizen’s zanpakutou Kyoka Suigetsu, one across her abdomen, and another pierced from her back through to her left chest. Apacci, Mila-Rose, and Sung-Sun had each lost an arm to create Allon, and had also suffered severe burns over their entire body from Yamamoto’s fires.

Apacci touched her left arm with her right hand. It felt completely normal, just like her original arm. There was also no pain remaining anywhere on her body.

(In the end… we still had to rely on the strength of humans…!)

She clenched her teeth.

The one who healed them had been Inoue Orihime. When the Fake Karakura Town had been switched back with the real one, the unconscious Arrancars had also been sent with the fake town to Soul Society. Apacci had asked her to come into the town to treat them, when Orihime came back from Hueco Mundo with Kuchiki Rukia and the rest to see Ichigo after his battle had finished.

The three of them that had been spared by Yamamoto were relatively fine compared to Harribel, who had suffered two life-threatening injuries. Apart from Orihime, there was probably nobody who could help her. Still, trusting her deeply revered Harribel to a human, for even one moment, was something that she could never forgive.

Apacci hardened her face, tightly gripping her arm.

(Such a bastard…!)

Her own undying feelings of gratitude to Orihime were something that she could never forgive.


Not long after Kurosaki Ichigo met everyone again, he let out an anguished cry that seemed to split open his throat, collapsed, and lost consciousness.




Despite rejoicing only a few seconds before, Rukia, Orihime, Renji, Uryuu, and Chad now ran to Ichigo, calling out his name.

"Everyone, please be calm," said Urahara, stopping Orihime, who had her hands stretched out, ready to use Souten Kisshun. He saw her extremely troubled gaze and nodded to her, turning to the rest. "Kurosaki is fine. What happened just now does not endanger his life."

Chad let out a breath of relief upon hearing those words and lifted Ichigo, so that he might sleep facing up. His body, though unconscious, continued to convulse, and he let out a painful groan.

"What exactly happened to Ichigo...?" asked Rukia, frowning at Ichigo's pained state.

"In order to defeat Aizen, he used the Final Getsuga Tenshou."

"...Final?" asked Uryuu.

Urahara calmly closed his eyes, and slowly sighed. "It is a technique called 'Mugetsu,' and using it will cause him to lose all his shinigami powers... it is such a technique."

At first, everyone seemed to not understand his words. Perhaps unconsciously, they did not want to understand.

A few seconds later, Orihime murmured, "How could this be...!" She immediately collapsed to the floor.

"Shinigami... powers..." Rukia looked as if she had forgotten everything and only stared, unblinking, at Ichigo.

"Are you saying that Kurosaki can no longer be a shinigami...!?" exclaimed Uryuu, as if venting his feelings.

Urahara nodded sadly. "Yes."

"...The bastard!" Renji felt in his heart a tumultuous brew of emotions, that they had no choice but to rely on Ichigo, who wasn't even from Soul Society, that he had use this kind of technique, and that he was himself so weak.

"Ichigo...!" Chad also lowered his head, shaking at his feelings of remorse towards his own weakness.

Urahara waited until everyone had calmed down, and continued, "Kurosaki collapsing means that the first stage of his losing all his powers has begun. With Isshin's help, he trained for three months in the Dangai Precipice World's timeflow, until he attained 'Mugetsu'."

"Three months?!" Renji couldn't help but ask.

"That's why his hair is longer..." Uryuu said to himself.

Rukia envisioned the Ichigo that she had parted from in Hueco Mundo, and the one currently sleeping before her, putting both together in her mind. His hair had grown long, and it seemed like he was a bit taller. Whether unconsciously or not, his expression also seemed more mature. It had only been a few short days between the time when they sneaked into Hueco Mundo to save Orihime and the conclusion of all the fighting.

(But for you, it seems like it has been a very long fight...)

Rukia gave him a comforting glance.

"Right now his body is undergoing the effects of reversed timeflow from the time when he was in the Dangai. It will cause extreme pain and loss of consciousness, but it will not endanger his life."

"Is there anything that I can do...!" asked Orihime, distraught.

"Unfortunately, no." Urahara shook his head. "There is nothing we can do right now. After the timeflow reversion is complete, Kurosaki's shinigami powers will disappear. This is the first stage."

"And then what?!" asked Rukia, surprised.

Urahara nodded to her and continued, "As for the second stage, when the rest of his reaitsu stabilizes, he will wake up... and then, his remaining spiritual power will completely vanish."

"If that's the case, Ichigo will..." Chad swallowed.

"Never mind shinigami and hollows, he won't even be able to see normal pluses."

Upon hearing Urahara's words, everyone fell together into silence. Being able to see spirits - this was the very essence of Ichigo's existence, something which every single person there understood.

Looking at everyone's pained and gloomy expressions, Urahara said brightly, "Anyway, let's first take him somewhere to get help! Until the first stage completes, we can't send him home. If his sisters saw him all grown up like this, they would be very surprised!"

"...That's right." Renji was the first to lift his head. “There’s no use in us just sitting around and talking. Oi, bring a stretcher here!” he called out to the Fourth Squad members who were about to take apart the town. Two of the closer ones came over with a stretcher. “Take him to get help. Be careful…this is the great hero who captured Aizen!”

“Of course!” The two of them replied excitedly and bowed deeply. As the hero who had finally concluded this battle, Ichigo’s name had spread in a flash throughout the members of the Gotei 13.

When they had carefully moved Ichigo’s body onto the stretcher, Urahara and Uryuu looked up at the same time.

“Something’s coming!”

“This reiatsu… an Arrancar!?”

The two talented at sensing reiatsu lifted their heads and gazed upwards. Everyone else followed their example, looking to the sky.

Suddenly in the clear blue sky, a figure appeared using sonido, something only Arrancar could use. It came quickly, almost falling out of the sky.

They looked at the Arrancar on the ground. It was one of Tier Harribel’s fraccion, Apacci. Her skin was burnt, her left arm ripped off with blood still dripping from the wound, and it was all that she could do just to stand.

“You must not want to live…!” Renji fixed his glare on Apacci, his hand gripping his zanpakutou Zabimaru.

Still, Apacci did not even spare him a glance, as she had eyes only for Orihime. “Hey, woman…come…with me…” Her shoulder shook violently as she breathed, her words coming out in short bursts.

Seeing her heading towards Orihime, Rukia quickly put herself between the two. But before she could do anything, Apacci took another step and lost her balance, falling heavily to the ground.

“Bas…tard…” Trying to lift herself up, she grabbed a fistful of dirt.

“Souten Kisshun!” Orihime stretched out her hands, using her Shun Shun Rikka technique. Shun’o and Ayame flew to Apacci, surrounding her with a glowing healing field.

“Wait a minute, Inoue! That’s an Arrancar! There’s no reason to heal her!” Renji shouted. Orihime had once been kidnapped by the Arrancar and Renji understandably hoped that she would have no further contact with them.

“But, I can’t just do nothing…” Orihime walked past Rukia, coming closer to Apacci’s body. Even though she was an Arrancar, Orihime could not just leave someone who was hurt.

As Orihime started to focus on healing, Apacci said weakly, “Don’t mind me… first…save Harribel-sama…!”

“But, your wounds are also very serious…”

“Please!” Apacci lifted her head and grabbed Orihime’s hand, her own hand shaking, either from the pain or something else. “Please quickly… save Harribel-sama…!” Her eyes held no antagonistic, killing, or deceitful intent, only concern for her nakama, like Orihime herself.

“…I understand! Please take me there!” Orihime released her Souten Kisshun, and offered Apacci her shoulder.

“I’ll go too. Take hold of me.” Rukia stood to her other side, taking note of the wound to her shoulder, and carefully holding her up. Rukia’s left arm was also wounded and in a sling, but her right arm was tightly gripped around Apacci. Surprised, Apacci widened her eyes but did not say anything, relying on the two of them.

“Well then, I guess I have no choice…come on!” Renji walked up to them and bent over. “You’re in a hurry, right? Then let me carry you. It seems like I’m the least wounded out of all of you…”

“Thank you, Abarai-kun!” Orihime and Rukia carefully placed Apacci on Renji’s back. Renji stood up and started walking towards the fake Karakura town, with Orihime and Uryuu following behind him.

“Urahara, Chad, I’ll just leave Ichigo with you then!” Rukia ran off to join them, leaving Urahara to explain Ichigo’s injuries and Chad to nurse the wound to his leg.


Seeing some movement amongst the rubble, Sung-Sun asked, “Who’s there!?”

“Woof!” Kukkapuuro walked out of the shadows, running towards the four of them.

“You’re Yammy’s…” Harribel remembered that this tiny little hollow always was by Yammy’s side.

“Near here…I can feel the remains of Yammy’s reiatsu,” said Mila-Rose. It was his reiatsu from where he had used all his strength for battle.

“That fellow Yammy, he’s always so absent-minded, and always thinking himself so great, as if!” said Apacci in her usual voice. The other two nodded their agreement.

“What then…that bastard!” she said, kicking up the sand. Apacci hoped that everything would become normal soon. That humans, shinigami, this battle, and contact with Soul Society would all soon be forgotten.

“Che! Have they already discovered…!” murmured Mila-Rose, focusing on the reiatsu signatures around them.

Sung-Sun nodded, frowning. “Hn…there’s a group of mid-level hollows congregating in that direction.”

The hollows who before had feared Aizen and the Espadas’ strength were now starting to surround Las Noches.

“There’s…going to be another war then…” Harribel’s expression was grim and her heart felt heavy. As she had followed Aizen hoping that his superior strength might stop unnecessary wars from ever happening, she was unwilling to let such a thing happen.


Hearing that call, she turned and saw Sung-Sun kneeling on the floor. She lowered her head and said, “Barragan is dead. Aizen is gone. The only one fit to become ruler of Hueco Mundo is now Harribel-sama.”

“I agree!” Apacci also kneeled, bowing her head.

“No matter what, please become the new ruler of Hueco Mundo!” Mila-Rose also knelt.

Harribel lowered her head, calmly regarding the three who were now awaiting an answer. “Hueco Mundo does not need a ruler.”

“A fake sun can not illuminate this darkness.” The blue sky created by Aizen stretched above them. “Hueco Mundo has darkness…and only needs a peaceful darkness.”

Harribel slowly blinked and started walking towards the center of Las Noches. The three of them stood up, exchanged glances, and silently nodded.

“We will always serve you, Harribel-sama!” said Sung-Sun, as they followed her.

After five or six steps, Apacci stood still and looked back at Kukkapuuro, which was still staring at the four of them. “Hey, little thing! You’ll be killed if you stay in a place like this!” She walked over and picked it up, but Kukkapuuro yelped and struggled from her grasp.

Seeing this, Sung-Sun said to her, “Let it go. Don’t you understand that it wholly wants to stay here?”

“You’re so noisy! I don’t need you to tell me. I was planning to let it go!” She put it down and Kukkapuuro happily yelped, wagging its tail.

“You too, also have something that you cannot leave?” Mila-Rose gently petted Kukkapuuro’s head, before walking back to Harribel’s side with the other two.

Their shadows slowly disappeared. Their footprints also vanished, smoothed out by the wind.

Kukkapuuro stayed there and saw it all.

To this day, it is still there, still missing its deceased master.

Certains détails sont différents du résumé que je vous ai donné, mais rien de transcendent.

Maintenant on passe aux mauvaises nouvelles... ^^

Voici des extraits provenant du databook qui sont très déterminants pour les espadas:


En effet, ces textes font le bilan sur la défaite des espadas et tous ont les Kanjis de la mort sauf Harribel et Grimmjow...du coup...Starrk et N'noitra...seraient mort!
Désolé pour leurs fans! ^^

Tout de fois rien de déterminant car les textes ne sont pas encore traduit entièrement. Du coup il est possible qu'il y ait certaine subtilité pour le texte.

Mais ce qu'il faut retenir c'est qu'il n'y a aucune allusion à la mort pour Grimmjow, aucun kanji se rapportant à la mort, du coup maintenant c'est clarifié une fois pour toute!!!! GRIMMJOW EST BIEN VIVANT!

Bref du coup:

Yammy: confirmé mort
Starrk: Supposé mort en attendant une traduction complète car il ait possible que le texte possède certaine subtilité.
Baraggan: confirmé mort
Harribel: confirmée vivante
Ulquiorra: confirmé mort
N'noitra: Supposé mort en attendant une traduction complète car il y a des subtilité dans le texte.
Grimmjow: Confirmé vivant
Zommari: Confirmé mort
Szayel-aporro: Confirmé mort
Aaroniero: Confirmé mort

KoMdAb, pour l'instant aucune confirmation sur cela, tout ce que je peut te dire c'est que de briser son masque n'est pas suffisant pour devenir un arrancar. Sora a retiré de lui même entièrement son masque et il n'est pas devenu un arrancar. De plus rukia a dit que cela arrivé de temps en temps et que le masque finisait toujours par repoussé.

Nous ignorons le procédé pour devenir un arrancar naturel.
Ensuite, même s'il était un arrancar naturel, aucune incohérence car le masque qu'à Ulquiorra en hollow est totalement différent de celui qu'il en forme scellé comme de nombreux autre arrancar. Bien qu'ils se ressemblent, ils ont de nombreuses différences.

Pour la seconde libération, une fois de plus aucune incohérence, la forme d'hollow montré dans le chapitre bonus se rapproche énormément de la première libération d'ulquiorra. Même Masque, ailles identique, épaules semblable. Bon après tu as certainement subtilité qui diffère mais dans le fond c'est également le cas pour Grimmjow ou d'autres arrancars qu'on a vu à l'état naturel.

La seconde libération semble vraiment être un bonus obtenu lors de l'arrancarisation, c'est pourquoi Ulquiorra ne l'a maîtrisais pas et qu'aizen ne l'a jamais vu.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2058

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Juin 2011 - 10:46

Merci encore pour tout ça !

Hé, franchement, avec la ptite histoire là... Ça le ferait pas, Rangiku en capitaine de la troisième division, avec Kira comme vice-capitaine ? Sérieux ?!

(Non, je pense que parler de "propagande" serait exagéré. On préfèrera le terme "forte insistance" ^^)

Bref, c'est quoi au fait c't'histoire, un chapitre spécial ou une nouvelle ?

Et finalement, la survie d'Harribel sert à faire un épilogue sympa à la guerre, du côté Hueco Mundo, ce qu'on n'avait pas. Après, à ce compte-là, j'aurais quand même préféré l'avoir dans le manga, mais bon disons que je trouve pas ça aberrant non plus.

(Et le ptit chien a pas suivi les filles en fait !)
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 5101

Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 10/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Juin 2011 - 23:28

Br@ndon a écrit:

Bref, c'est quoi au fait c't'histoire, un chapitre spécial ou une nouvelle ?

Une nouvelle, kakarouto l'a bien précisé dans chacun de ses posts (il a également précisé que l'auteur était Matsubara Makoto, un ami de Kubo qui a déjà écrit trois autres nouvelles de Bleach).

Le chapitre spécial concerne uniquement Ulquiorra.

En parlant de lui d'ailleurs, une version décente de la couverture de ce Data Book est enfin disponible :


Rien d'exceptionnel, mais ses fans apprécieront sûrement.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1697

Age : 39
Localisation : Dans les ténèbres
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Juin 2011 - 0:01

Des nouvelles informations provement du databook sont disponible, voici ce qu'il en ressort!

N'noitra est définitivement confirmé mort!

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Nnoitra

Citation :
Bottom sidebar:

For To Die

This guy is talking stupid. A two-handed slash is weird. Being condescending about killing, this guy is an idiot. All that is left is detached murder. So finish it. But, Kenpachi’s “kendo”, there was an unexpected subversion of power shown –.

Bottom right:

Nnoitra’s greatest desire was to die in battle. This Nnoitra knew he knew, a heavy-handed cut through half his body, Kenpachi cut him squarely until he was prostrate.

Citation :
Middle sidebar:


Kenpachi for the time showed the fencing type “kendo”. Swinging the sword with both hands exhibited an incomparable intimidating power of a killing attack, Nnoitra’s arms and body cut in two. Kenpachi stopped and turned to leave, Nnoitra stood to fight again. Nnoitra’s cheap words of provocation stirs something in Kenpachi, fighting so far as a tribute of swords.

Middle right:

With the delight of those equal warriors whose hearts are focused on battle, Kenpachi is the form of death Nnoitra wants — the death in battle he welcomes, sword swinging again.

Quote: “How delightful — Nnoitra”

Quelques infos:

Citation :

Starrk est né le 19 janvier
Hauteur: 187cm
poids: 77 kg

Harribel est né Juillet 25
ht: 175cm
poids: 61 kg

Barragan né le 9 février
ht: 166cm
poids: 90 kg

Citation :
translation by JinxJen:

Orihime トリッキなー庶民 = Tricky commoner

忍耐強い = Very patient
存任感がある = Having (preserved) sense of responsibility
頭脳明晰 = Intelligent
芸桁の才能がある = Having artistist talent

Ulquiorra ク一ルな秀才 = The cool genius

知識欲がある = Having desire/thrist for knownledge
完璧主義 = Perfectionism
駆け引き上手 = Skillful at tactics/strategy
頭の回転が速い = Intuitive/Sharp Instinct/Quick thinker


おだてに超弱 = Very weak when being praised
お喋り = Talkative
自然体 = Open attitude
自信家 = Great confidence

translation by Nacchan:

一護 -- 勉強も仕事も頑張るパワフル 
キーワード 真面目/極端/遅咲き/押しに弱い

Ichigo -- Powerfully persistent at study and work
Keywords : diligent / extreme / late bloomer / weak at pressure

ルキア -- 陰の努力家 
キーワード 存在感がある/忍耐力がある/普段は温和/堅苦しい事が嫌い

Rukia -- Shadow of Hardworker (is a hardworker despite not looking like one)
Keywords : have a strong presence / have fortitude / Usually gentle / Dislike formal things

translation by Lumi:

Byakuya (AB)
目立つポジション - Standing out position
頭脳明晰 - being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
客観的 - Objective
なんでもできる - Is able to do anything

Hollow Ichigo (O)
自己中心 - selfishness, egoism
いつも明るく - always cheerful
目立つ存在 - Standing out existance
主役 - Leading role

Aizen (B)
自己中心 - Selfishness, egoism
目立つ人 - Standing out person
行動力 - Ability to take action, energy
発想力 - Power of idea

Hisagi (A)
器用 - Skillful, handy
真面目 - Serious, earnest
円満な人間関係 - Peaceful human relations
恋に燃え過ぎる - Gets too fired up in love


おだてに弱い - Weak for flattery
お喋り - Talkative
素直 - Honest, obedient
誠実 - Sincare, Honest, Faithful

a translation that Annie got:

Hanatarou: PPl around depend on him.her, doesn't mope around, diligent, hate cheating"

Des images en couleurs:


Pour les vêtements de matsumoto kubo ce serait inspirait d'une des tenues de Lady Gaga. Il a confirmé sur tweeter qu'il était fan de Lady Gaga et de certaines de ces tenues/coiffure.

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 2ps0dpw

Et justement quand on parles des tenues de lady gaga! Kubo confirme qu'il s'est bel et bien inspirait de celles-ci pour faire certains des design d'aizen:

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 14v1uzq

Motivation d'Aizen:

Citation :
FACT 1: 神の高みへ
FACT 1: The Heights of God
藍染は霊王になり代わり、新しい世界を創造する。 その崇高な目的を果たす "使者" として 、 自分は神 の域にある存在という意識が芽生えた。
Aizen wanted to become the Spirit King and create a brand new world. He wanted to become a divine "messenger" and make those under His domain become aware of His presence.

FACT 2: 孤独
FACT 2: Loneliness
誰よりも強かった藍染は、 誰にも理解されこと無い孤独の世界を抱えていた。 強き者故の孤独 は深く、 哀 しい。
Aizen was stronger than anybody else, and because of this, he was lonely and misunderstood by everyone. The loneliness that came with this strong isolation was very deep, and very sad.

Les noms de certaines techniques:

Citation :
Yama-Ji: 威眠 (いねむり) Inemuri - majestic sleep. Used to put Momo to sleep.

松明 (たいまつ) Taimatsu- torch or bright pine tree. Used on Allon.

鬼火 (おにび) Onibi – Demon Fire. Used on Allon

kenpachi: 両断 (りょうだん) RYŌDAN – cut in two or bisection. Kendo attack used against Nnoitra.

Matsumoto: 猫輪舞 (ねこりんぶ) Neko Rinbu – Cat round dance or cat circle dance

Isshin: 顎割 (あぎとわり) Agito Wari – Jaw Splitter. An attack used to defeat Grand Fisher.

Yoruichi’s technique: 雷王拳 (らいおうけん)- Thunder King Fist. This attack was used on Aizen

Isshin: 鬼デコピン(オニデコピン) – Demon Poke in Forehead. This is the middle finger flick attack used on Aizen

Ryuuken: クラグイーア- Klavier. Quincy bow attack used against Uryuu.

Hiyori: 西瓜割 (すいかわり) Sui Kawari – West Melon Splitter.
ガトリング地団駝 Gatoringu Jidanda – Gatling Foot stamp

Kensei: サンドバッグ・ビート Sandubaggu Bīto – Sandbag Beat. Used against Menos Grande

爆弾突き (ばくだんつき) Bakudan tsuki – Bomb Thrust. Used against Ichigo.

Hachi: スタンディング・オベーツヨン Sutandingu Obetsuyon – Standing Ovation
五養蓋 (ごようかい) Go yōkai. Five foster covers Used to stabilize Hiyori.
六方封陣 (ろっほうふうじん) - Hexagonal seal battle formation.

Love: 鏡開 (がみびらき) Kagami Biraki – Opening the Mirror

Rose: アルペジオ – arpeggio
T/N. Arpeggio is a musical term for a chord that's played in a sequence of notes (they're what you hear when singers do vocal warm-ups), which matches Rose's musical themed zanpakuto.

Lisa: パンテラトルネード Panchira torunedo – panty showing tornado. T/N panchira means panty shot.
千枚卸 (せんまいおろし) Senmai Oroshi – 1000 sheets of paper wholesale.

Information supplémentaire pour Kukkapuuro :

Citation :
Arrancar that snuggles besides Yammy. He is unique being who knows everything about the Espada's stronges and the Espada's weakest man.

Standing before Yammy's eyes at his dying moments. He was insulted with offensive language, but at the last moments somewhere a colour of relief is able to peek..

Confirmation de la mort de Tousen:

Citation :
Tousen, who was part of the treason gang with Aizen, was brutally murdered in moment of his reform.

Le databook semble indiquait qu'il était un hybride parfait et du coup ayant des craintes à ce sujet, aizen avait installer un dispositif d'autodestruction dans le corps de tousen lors de son passage sous l'hogyoku.
C'est se dispositif qui aurait tué Tousen lorsqu'il est revenu à la raison.
Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Unmas

Note spéciale:

Citation :
Charlotte Chuhlhourne's Special Note:
艶やかな長髪がエクステンションではなく地毛なのは周知の事実。ストレートパーマをかければより美しくなる 、というのは素人考えで、エキゾチックな地毛を活かすのが真の美しさ、とのこと。
It is a well-known fact that the beautiful long hair isn't an extension but real hair. It is an amateur's thinking that if you apply straight permanent wave you will become beautiful, the real beauty is to make use of one's own exotic hair.

Harribel's Special Note:
その一方で、フラシオンであるリリネットと良好な関係を築いているスタークには、心のどこかで 、一目を置い ているらしい。
Starting off with Szayelaporro (she→Harribel) detests the Espada who don't respect the Fracción for what they are.
But on the other hand she acknowledges Starrk who has a good relationship towards his Fracción Lilynette somewhere in her heart.

Tosen's Special Note:
東仙 にのみ心を開いていたワンターワイス。
それは、匿逢の目的を遂けるためだけに生み出された彼にも、種めて曹通に接していた東仙 の八格からきている様子。
It says something about Wonderweiss being open minded to Tosen and being create to accomplish Aizen's goal.

Aizen's Special Note:
対峙する相手を圧倒的に打ち負かすことができるのは、相手の全てを瞬時に見極められるため。そ れは護廷十三 隊時から続く藍染の稀有な才能。

Aizen's verbal battle tactics are good.
Can overwhelmingly defeat face to face standing opponent, sees through all opponents in an instant. That is Aizen's rare ability since his time at the Gotei 13.

Et pour terminer, une meilleure traduction du dialogue entre Kira et Matsumoto, avec image à l'appui!


Citation :
Character Introductions:

Matsumoto Rangiku, Lieutenant of the 10th Division, this willful beauty’s figure is second to none throughout the entire Gotei 13. After losing her childhood friend Gin, she now feels an emptiness that she cannot fill.

Kira Izuru, Ichimaru Gin’s direct subordinate, Lieutenant of the 3rd Division. Even though he possesses strength and knowledge befitting his position, his air seems to give people the impression that he tends to rely on others.

[Two Lonely Souls’ Wild Drunken Night]

M: Hey hey Izuru! You haven’t drunk enough yet, right?

K: Nope, I’m still drinking, see! (Hiccup)

M: If you drink it all in one gulp, I’ll pour the next one for you myself~ ☆

K: Thank you… I’m always receiving Matsumoto-san’s encouragement…

M: What – the, speaking in such a sad tone of voice! Clearly, you haven’t had enough yet! Come on…

K: No, Matsumoto-san, if I have more then I’m afraid…

M: I will take care of you until the very end, so today drink your fill!!

K: Okay, okay. Well then, following through is better than being deferential…

M: Oh~~ Izuru, I didn’t expect you to be able to drink this much! Keep drinking, just like that! Mana~ger~ heat more sake! I want the big jugs! And plates of capelin too!

K: But Matsumoto-san… why have you always been so good to me? After I did such a horrible thing to you before-

M: That’s all in the past. Besides, this isn’t just for you… it’s because I myself want to drink!!

[Izuru, Blind Admiration]

M: Say, after you had been betrayed, you were still so obedient towards Gin. Why did you still have so much faith in that guy? What exactly was so good about him?

K: Even though Ichimaru-taichou always looked like that, he was really a very kind and warm person. He just wasn’t very good at displaying it and his outer persona was very easily misunderstood, but he was really very kind and warm.

M: Ah! He was very kind to you too?

K: Of course! Did you know that behind the Third Division’s barracks, there are some persimmon trees? Every year when they bore fruit, Captain would always make tons of dried persimmons himself.

M: On this topic, Izuru you often brought some to share with us.

K: Also, he was always telling me to eat more, and even if I said that I had enough, Captain would still tell me not to be polite and eat more… Even though in the end my stomach felt like it would burst – Captain, he was so kind.

M: Eating like that gave you diarrhea though.

K: Eh…that’s very true. He also completely trusted me as his lieutenant, and let me take care of all business within the division… Even though he never complimented me, he also never interfered at all with my work… Isn’t that enough to see that as a boss, how kind and accepting he was?

M: Enough to befuddle you.

K: Anyway, he was an ideal boss to me. And I still feel exactly the same about him – even though there’s a little bit of disappointment, I hope I will be able to trust Captain until the very end.

M: Kira… You…

K: Come on! I’m going to drink my fill today! And I have Rangiku-san here with me!!!

M: Of course! Today we’re going to try our hardest to drink our fill ☆

K: I do want to hear Rangiku-san’s story. Weren’t you childhood friends with Captain?

M: That’s right. Gin saved me when I was starving and couldn’t get up.

[Things Lost and Things Gained]

M: Back then he was one completely incomprehensible guy. He was the one who saved my life, and of course I was grateful. But, there was just one thing, I wish he wouldn’t play games and just say what he really thought.

K: Hiccup… that is to say. Captain, he, was a bit… Hiccup, like that.

M: My apologies~! Bring another jug of sake! Cold sake is fine, as long as it’s here fast~!

K: Huhuhu… Ichimaru-taichou… Why…

M: In the end, he still saved my life. And this time, that guy still sacrificed himself to save the whole world – what a fool.

K: Huhuhu… I wish I could see Captain again…

M: He was always leaving all of a sudden, always vanishing without warning…but now that I think about it, that was just his style. So he didn’t leave you anything either? What a willful fellow. Why couldn’t he leave just some tiny thing by our side! Just thinking about it makes me even more mad… Come, Kira!! Drink up! I haven’t poured the next cup yet!

K: Okay, okay… (Hiccup)

M: Come on… ah oops, it leaked out… Hahahaha. At least it’ll dry after a while.

K: Huhuhu… it’s completely wet…

M: Izuru, did you know? We are both here because of Gin. Both you and me. As long as you’re alive, then so is Gin. And if you want to be with Gin longer, even for just a little bit, then live just a little bit longer.

K: But Captain is no longer here…?

M: That’s why I said that he’s with us! Perhaps…this is what he left to us.

K: …Ah.

M: Hm?

K: I remembered a haiku. “Ah – wet the sleeve, tears become sake.”

M: Hey, Izuru you!

K: Ha, ha. What…?

M: Like I said, you can’t go on like this, being all melancholy and indecisive! All we can do for Gin is to be happy from the bottom of our hearts, every single day!

K: ….

M: He would never leave me anything, the things I still wanted to do for Gin -


M: Ah… had too much? …Sorry. Manager – bill please - !!!

Voila voila, donc Gin semble vraiment être mort, Tousen est confirmé dead, N'noitra également et Starrk semble l'être aussi de son coté, même si le texte semble beaucoup porté à confusion pour ce dernier!
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2058

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Juin 2011 - 0:32

L'apparence d'Aizen inspirée de Lady Gaga... Ça explique bien des choses. Qu'on me demande plus de le prendre au sérieux après ça.

Bref, merci Kakarouto.

Le fait que l'explication de l'explosion de Tôsen soit dans un Databook, c'est quand même un bon n'importe quoi.
Certaines infos sont sympathoches (Harribel qui n'aime pas Szayel à cause de la façon dont il traite ses fraccion, mais respecte Starrk, Rukia qui a une forte présence, etc).

Je retiens surtout la technique "panty showing tornado", Lisa je t'aime ! Mr. Green
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2513

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Juin 2011 - 1:20

Arf Starrk mort ou pas ><. C'est vraiment l'Arrankar qui mérite le plus de réapparaître dans l'histoire avec Hallibel, les deux n'ont pas eu le droit à la prestation qu'ils méritaient^^.

J'aimerais aussi une vrai confirmation ou infirmation du statut de VL du top 4, car je prévient tant qu'on aura que des sous entendu je considérerais cette info comme fausse. Voili voilou, je dois avouer que tout semble intéressant et me donne envie d'acheter les Databook.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 178

Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juin 2011 - 18:15

wah la vache le nombre d'infos impressionnant de choses que le lecteur lambda doit savoir par l'intermédiaire du mangas et non pas du databook... sinon EXCELLENTE nouvelle pour grimmjow ! mauvaise nouvelle pour noitora ... (c'est vraiment sur..?)
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 39

Age : 28
Localisation : Genève
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juin 2011 - 18:55

C'est vrai que l'on voit que Kubo n'a pas fini son arc comme il le voulait... C'est impressionnant toutes les informations qu'il y a dans ce data book.
C'est vraiment cool que Grimmjow soit en vie, par contre pour Gin et Stark c'est vraiment dommage... (mais pour les deux le texte n'est pas très explicite... ruse de Kubo ?).
La tenu de Matsumoto par Lady Gaga s'est cool, beaucoup moins par contre pour Aizen...^^
Vivement les prochaines traduction pour plus d'informations^^
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 101

Date d'inscription : 16/06/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juin 2011 - 19:52

merci pour tous ces éléments, justement je recherchais un topic de ce genre \o/

j'ai beaucoup apprécié l'histoire de ulquiorra et la nouvelle: je suis un peu mitigée
c'est vrai qu'on apprend des choses intéressantes pour les espada/fraccione ayant survécus mais la partie sur ichigo en elle même est redondante...On apprend rien de plus ><

sinon globalement, je peux comprendre que certains n'aient pas apprécié que quelques éléments n'aient pas été développés dans le manga, je n'arrive pas à me rappeler de la partie/arc arrancar dans le détail mais c'était si long que ça dans le manga pour qu'ils abrègent? Et donc ne soit pas satisfait du résultat (je parle de Kubo) ?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2058

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juin 2011 - 20:05

Cette partie n'a justement pas été abrégée, si j'ai bien compris, au contraire Kubo l'a faite durer devant l'engouement des fan japonais (et là je maudis un peu les japonais, en fait).
C'est en tous cas ce qui est dit dans cette interview (post de Kakarouto):
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 101

Date d'inscription : 16/06/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juin 2011 - 20:13

et l'interview de "gin", apporte t-elle quelques chose ou est-ce simplement en mode "fanservice" ex: renseignements sur ses hobbies, préférences etc?
*flemme de tout lire* si ce n'est qu'on apprend sa mort bien entendu, évoque t-on ses motivations réelles quant à avoir rejoint aizen?
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5ème officier
5ème officier

Masculin Nombre de messages : 573

Age : 38
Localisation : Un peu partout
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2008

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Juin 2011 - 17:25

Et en ce qui concerne Starrk ? Sa mort est-elle bien confirmée ?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2058

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 25 Juil 2011 - 21:15

Hop, la plupart des infos qu'on a déjà, plus quelques nouvelles (sans importance capitale) sont regroupées sur ces trois pages:

Merci Bleach Asylum.

Toujours pas d'interview à ma connaissance, par contre, fuck.
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5ème officier
5ème officier

Masculin Nombre de messages : 573

Age : 38
Localisation : Un peu partout
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2008

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 26 Juil 2011 - 1:23

Merci Br@ndon, sur le second lien j'ai eu la confirmation de la mort de Stark apparemment, dommage.

On apprend tout de même pas mal de bonne chose dans ce databook, comme l'histoire d'Ulquiorra et la survie d'Haribel et ses Fraccions... Cela me réjouit :)
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Nombre de messages : 9

Date d'inscription : 30/07/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 1 Aoû 2011 - 15:10

Aucune nouvelle information concernant le fait qu'il y ait des vastolordes dans l'Espada ?

J'ai beau chercher je trouve rien et comme je comprend rien au japonais et que je suis un peu une bille en anglais j'ai du mal à trouver des infos sur des sites étrangers. Encore en anglais pour moi le mot vastolorde devrait pas passer inaperçu ça ressemblera forcémment et jusque là rien mais en japonais par contre c'est cause perdu.

Si quelqu'un a des nouvelles je suis preneur parce que pour moi tant que l'info est pas dites clairement je refuse de parler de vastolorde au sein de l'Espada.

Je remercie d'avance ceux qui comme moi ont cherché / cherche encore / vont peut être trouver.
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Diozz Alexander RayLight
5ème officier
5ème officier
Diozz Alexander RayLight

Masculin Nombre de messages : 531

Age : 33
Localisation : In My Heaven
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 1 Aoû 2011 - 15:17

Et cela confirme la mort de Grimmjow ou ce dernier est encore bien en vie mais "disparu" ?
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Nombre de messages : 9

Date d'inscription : 30/07/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 1 Aoû 2011 - 15:32

Grimmjow est en vie c'est confirmé à la page précédente par un récapitulatif.

Citation :
Yammy: confirmé mort
Starrk: Supposé mort en attendant une traduction complète car il ait possible que le texte possède certaine subtilité.
Baraggan: confirmé mort
Harribel: confirmée vivante
Ulquiorra: confirmé mort
N'noitra: Supposé mort en attendant une traduction complète car il y a des subtilité dans le texte.
Grimmjow: Confirmé vivant
Zommari: Confirmé mort
Szayel-aporro: Confirmé mort
Aaroniero: Confirmé mort
C'est un modo qu'a écrit ça et ça vient d'un livre Bleach donc à priori c'est solide.

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 68

Age : 30
Localisation : Bon tu prends la rue à gauche, tu tourne à droite et pour finir..ZZzzz
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2011

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû 2011 - 0:42

Juste une petite information, il semble que le databook Masked soit prévu en France pour le 30 Novembre qui vient soit le même jour de la sortie du tome 45 de Bleach.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2058

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2010

Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked.   Bleach Databook Souls, Vibes, Masked, Unmasked. - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû 2011 - 18:09

Merci Ura ! C'est une bonne nouvelle en ce qui me concerne (même si je n'affirme pas que je vais l'acheter, huhu).
Mais ça sera toujours rassurant de lire l'interview de Kubo en français.
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